Archive for the 'Boxes, Bags, Containers' Category

Mar 30 2013

Gift Bagged Birthday – by Deb Saaranen

Today Deb has created a totally FUN card and gift bag for a birthday using one of the NEW Prima Collections and the popular theme of banners.  This will certainly put a smile on the face of the lucky recipient.  And to make it even easier for you to both shop and create, the STAMP […]

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Jan 15 2013

Bottled up Love Letters – by Darsie Bruno

Oh, what a fun project Darsie has created to share with us today!  And to make it even better, it’s quick and easy, and so very, very pretty!  What a great gift to give that also adds a little Valentine decor to our home!  I also made a quick and easy Valentine out of the same […]

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Dec 25 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone!  I didn’t intend to be absent from blogland for so long, but to say things have been busy would be an understatement.  I am sure you are all in the same boat! I hope your Christmas celebration is filled with family and friends as we celebrate the Greatest Gift of All — Jesus Christ […]

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Oct 26 2012

Webster’s Pages Girl Land Christmas Stockings – by Barb Schram

Webster’s Pages Girl Land — so NOT a Christmas pad — and Barb made the MOST adorable, girlie, Christmas stockings with it. She has such lucky little granddaughters!  Take a look: These are just the sweetest stockings, EVER!  Thank you so much, Barb! These stockings are LARGE! You can see how Barb made these on the full […]

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Oct 10 2012

Clean and Simple Christmas #7

Welcome to another clean and simple Christmas idea.  Michelle created a darling little gift bag today that is so easy — I LOVE doing bags like this and I think you will, too!  Take a little peek: SO sparkly and pretty! You can see the full project on Michelle’s blog today. Michelle used: A purchased (or […]

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Sep 29 2012

Halloween Treats and Halloween Ribbon Samplers

Oh my goodness — talk about DARLING Halloween treats!!!!  Barb made these and has them packaged up in several different ways — GREAT ideas, Barb!  Thank you so much for sharing.  Now here’s a little peek: You’ll have to go on over to Barb’s Blog to see what she’s up to — you will be […]

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Jun 12 2012

Score Boards, etc. – An Unplanned SALE!

It’s been busy here.  I’ve just had a new island unit built, giving me another 3 x 9 ‘ area of countertop workspace and 20 more drawers to organize my cut and wrapped ribbon.  MUCH needed on both counts.  So, of course, I am in an organizational frenzy once again.  As I’m rearranging I’ve decided […]

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May 17 2012

Boxed Gift Set and a Winner!

Today I have a boxed gift set to show you.  And the cards are totally flat for easy  mailing.  But first we’ll get to the winner of this past Saturday’s Ribbon Inspiration/Stamp Simply Style Hop.  We were creating with red, white and blue.  You can still check out our posts here. This week the winner was chosen […]

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Dec 08 2011

Water Bottle Vase

I just felt like doing something different today — something spring-like and refreshing!  My inspiration came from this bottle: As with most weekends, I had kids home, which I LOVE!  As I was picking up on Monday morning, this bottle was on my counter.  I had never seen such a bottle before, but it immediately […]

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Dec 03 2011

Ribbon Inspiration/Stamp Simply Style – Packaged to Go

Welcome to another Saturday of Ribbon Inspiration/Stamp Simply Style.  Today we are packaging our gifts up — ready to go!  I enjoy putting together a lot of small gifts for friends, neighbors, service workers, etc.  The gifts are never fancy or expensive, but just something to say *thanks*, *I appreciate you*  or *Merry Christmas*.  Taking a […]

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