Sep 17 2007

I’ve Been Thinking —

Published by at 11 23 pm under Chit Chat

Hi everyone — I have nothing to show you tonight — I had a scrap class this evening and another one tomorrow morning — but I will have 2 new cards with some of the new sets from Flourishes posted either late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning!!!

But I’ve been thinking — I love to play the challenges at SCS — and I notice several Bloggers are running their own challenges — how fun!!! I had a real blast doing the Dare to Get Dirty Challenge at SCS in July, and I’d really love to run a challenge here on my Blog, and I’m kind of wondering if anyone would want to play? Here are my thoughts —

It would be a “Stamping Simply” challenge for the woman who has “No Time To Stamp” — get it — LOL!!! It would not be a sketch challenge, or color, or anything consistent each week — it would vary — the only consistent thing would be that each week the challenge would be “simple” — something we can all do very quickly — perhaps with tips, pointers, suggestions, ideas — anyone would be welcome to play, upload at SCS andI’d come up with a common keyword to run a search to find all the entries.

This would be geared to a beginning/intermediate stamper, a busywoman who wishes to find time to stamp, or any stamper who wants to take a break and just get back to basicswith some fairly quick and simple, but still lovely, cards.

Would anyone be interested in a challenge like this? I’m anxious to hear your thoughts! Please let me know what you think.

39 responses so far

39 Responses to “I’ve Been Thinking —”

  1. sue says:

    Sounds good to me – go for it.

  2. Becky Kwan says:

    That’s a wonderful idea! I love all the beautifully done cards – I admire them so much, but often will never replicate them for lack of time & supplies! And yet, it’s great to find simple and lovely cards that would be great to teach others who are newer in this craft! Thank you for sharing your creative work & ideas!

  3. Sherrie (scs Sherrie) says:

    What a great idea!

  4. Deborah (beadn&stampn) says:

    Oh Sharon! What a wonderful idea!! I am game as I love to do different challenges. (even if I don’t get to finish them all) Keep us posted on when and if you will do this!! Can’t wait to play and thanks again for all your inspiration…

  5. Phyllis Rollins says:

    This is a great idea!

  6. Connie Watson says:

    Good morning Sharon,
    That is a wonderful idea!! I vote to do that. I’m not sure how much I would actually be able to participate, but I think it’s a great idea! Connie W.

  7. Jerri Jimenez says:

    Love the idea, I don’t get to do the challenges as often as I did before becoming a demonstrator, for me it’s a lack of time. Something quick and easy, yet pretty sounds wonderful!

  8. annette says:

    MARVELOUS! I would love to come and play! I love a quick and easy card and encourage those myself.

  9. Dawn (stampinscotsgirl) says:

    Good morning Sharon!! I think this is a wonderful idea and I would love to play along!!

  10. Maggi says:

    I like this idea. I love some of the challenges, but don’t have time for a lot of “extras”. Please think about doing this….

  11. Maggi says:

    …also, this would be the first challenge I have ever participated in and would need a little help in how to upload a creation.

  12. Linda Bullard says:

    Great idea, Sharon, for a challenge that isn’t already being addressed! Hey, what about those stampers who find it difficult to “stamp simply?” I really need to do that more, so I can be more productive with my stamping. I buy, buy, buy, but have very few items to show for it! Very wasteful, and there are so many good causes out there (charities, the troops). Linda

  13. Tammy says:

    This sounds great! I will say that for myself, a sketch to go by is easiest. Maybe you could give an example of a simple card and then have everyone make the same card but using a different stamp set. Can’t wait to see what you decide! TFA!

  14. Kacey says:

    Sharon, I Love simple, and your simple always turns out so beautiful! I would definitely be in! Eagerly awaiting the first one 🙂

  15. Michelle R says:

    Sharon, what a great idea! As much as I would love to participate in some of the challenges I see on SCS and other blogs, lack of time is such an issue for me. I’d love to see a quicker and simpler challenge!

  16. Lynda Benden says:

    Great idea Sharon! It IS a challenge for me to stamp quicker/simpler and is something I really need to do more often!


  17. joyk says:

    That is a “simply” (couldn’t resist lol) wonderful idea Sharon! I think a lot of people would be very interested in participating. And if there is a gallery set up for the challenge, then even weeks that we might not be able to upload a card……..we could still get ideas!!!! Love it!!!!

  18. Julesiana says:

    Well, you have inspired me. I needed a sympathy card (couldn’t spend all day on it) so I just stamped. No watercoloring or pencil coloring (though I LOVE to do that) just plain ole stamping.

    Here is my card:

    I am so glad I read my blog subscriptions as I drink my morning coffee!!
    Thanks Sharon!

  19. Joyce/not2old2stamp says:

    That’s a simply great idea, Sharon! I’d like to play…

  20. broni says:

    I think it’s a wonderful idea, Sharon. Sometimes we NEED to simplify to be able to channel or just kick-start our creativity! It also may encourage some stampers who have not yet been brave enough to tackle a challenge! Go for it!

  21. Sounds great, Sharon! You know . . . I am always LOL

  22. Michelle -sf9erfan on SCS says:

    Great idea Sharon. Love how it differs from the standard challenges. I will definitely play along. Hugs, michelle

  23. Hi Sharon!!!
    I FOUND YOU!! I don’t know you were blogging! YEAH!
    I think simple is such an awesome idea. Do you know that after a complicated card that I made last night I went back to simple this morning and it was like a breath of FRESH AIR. You can see my Kind of Simple card on my blog. Hope you like it!

  24. Char in So Cal says:

    This stamper would XOXOXOX to see a “quick and simple” kind of challenge!

    Staying Posted,

    Char in So Cal
    [email protected]

  25. Jackie Pedro (strappystamper on SCS) says:

    If you build it, they will come!!! LOL!! I would love to participate!

  26. Charlene Merrick (LilLuvsStampin) says:

    Sharon! Just found your blog! I think this is an absolutely FABULOUS challenge idea! I’m game!

  27. Great idea!!! Sometimes I forget to “stamp simply” — I’d love to have that challenge! 🙂

  28. marisa (whiterockmama) says:

    You are the queen of classy, simple, elegant cards 🙂 — not to mention marvelous more difficult ones but they aren’t the topic here. I would love to play along and the tips/pointers etc. are always welcome – love to learn from the pros.

  29. Lori M says:

    Sharon I would love to participate when I can! And I love the idea that it won’t always be the same! I need to get into more “simple but elegant” type cards. You are just the person to teach me!
    Thanks so much!

  30. JoAnn (sarahzoe) says:

    Love this idea Sharon. Will definitely play when I can.

  31. Chris says:

    I sooo miss not having time for the other challenges lately. I’m not sure I’d be able to fit these in either but at least I’d have a chance if they are simple. I’ll be keeping an eye out for them!

  32. Hazel says:

    What a wonderful idea. Love to do challenges, but since my stamping suppplies and time are limited, would love something simple and can use all of the pointers you are willing to share.

  33. Patricia Austin says:

    I have never been brave enough to do a challenge. I love stamping and do it as a way to relief stress. I would love to try.

  34. Leslie says:

    There are many times when I need a card ‘right now’ and the perfect card isn’t sitting in my collection. And simple would be wonderful at that moment. Please do this!!

  35. Rose Ann says:

    This sounds really great! I would love to participate as I can.

  36. Shawn O'Connell says:

    It sounds fabulous to me! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!!

  37. Helen says:

    Sharon, I liked this idea so much I managed to send a post to your blog! I think I am one of the evolving stampers who would love this plan.

  38. Judy says:

    I love this idea — sometimes I get tired of seeing the “how much can I fit on this card” cards — and there are some beautiful simple designs out there — more cards to make in less time so that we can send them out! I love it! I am in!


  39. Angela R. says:

    Yes!!! I wanna play!! This is a great idea! And btw, I’m adding your blog to my {new} blog!!

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