Oct 19 2007

Storing Scrap Paper and More

Published by at 8 28 am under Chit Chat

I just listed my challenge below and had an immediate question, so I’ll address it here in case others have the same question. It was: How do I store my scrap pieces of paper?

I know my system may not be to the liking of many, but I have found it to be the most efficient way that allows me to use up scraps OFTEN, and we all know how those scraps accumulate.


8.5 x 11 Paper Storage: 99% of the paper I own is SU. I have a regular office type 2 drawer file cabinet with the hanging folders. I have a folder for each of the SU colors. I keep my packs of paper in the cellophane they come in — slit open nicely across the top with a craft knife, then insert the pack into it’s proper file. Some files have many packs in them. I only slit open one pack at a time. Yes, I have to pull out the pack each time to slide out a piece, but they are always in perfect condition, never bent orfolded corners.

As I accumulate scraps of this paper, the scraps get thrown loosely into the same file folder. I know a lot of people keep separate containers for scraps, organized by color families, or whatever. I tried that and it didn’t work for me. I hated to dig through a box of multi colors mixed up. I like keeping all my scraps with the same color paper. It allows me to pull the file out of the drawer, lay it on the table, and SEE exactly what sizes I have, checking to see if I really have to cut into a new piece!

The file folders in the cabinet are NOT organized by color family — that always made me think too hard as to which color family this certain blue is in — YKWIM? I organize by color. Greens, reds, blues, purples,neutrals, etc. I find that to be much easier for me!


12 x 12 Cardstock Storage: Again, I keep them in their cellophane wrappers, pulling out a sheet as a I need it. If a cut piece is left 12″ long, I keep it with the 12 x 12 paper. If it gets cut so it is less than 11″ long, then it gets transferred to my 8.5 x 11 file for that color. So only the full 12″ scrapsget left in the 12 x 12 cello wrap.

I just purchased a new system for storing the 12 x 12 packs — these clear boxes that slide into a cart type thing — looks like it would be drawers, but you have to pull them out and open them up like a box — I love it — made by Iris. I purchased mine at Fleet Farm, so NOT a stamping/scrapping store — LOL — it’s a farm supply store in the midwest!!! Love this system for 12 x 12 storage. I have 2 units, which gives me 6 *drawers*.


12 x 12 Designer Paper Storage: Again, neatly slit the cellophane wrapper on top so in essence my paper is left in its bag. All DP scraps go back into their own *bag*, always together, never separated or mixed with any other DP. These *bags* are then stored in the above Irisdrawers.

OK, that’s my paper storage system! And I am currently working on:


Ribbon storage: I have been put to shame by so many organized people whose Blogs I check out, so I decided it’s time to try tobetter organize my ribbon– I purchased these boxes at Michaels (which is a trip for me!). I only got 6, knowing it wouldn’t touch all that I needed, but it was a start — more next time! I love them because I don’t like when a ribbon spool is in something that needs to be pulled out, like as if the ribbon is threaded through a hole. When I’m working, I like to pull out my entire spool and have it on my work surface. These boxes are perfect for that. The ribbon comes out of the slit created where the lid meets the box, but the lid opens up easily so I can remove the spool I want. Love these boxes and can’t wait to get more — also love that they nest and stack securely on top of each other!!!

Oh, and I organize my ribbon by type first, then color — I put together all the same types — organdy, satin, grosgrain, checked, etc — then by color within the type. I hang my velvet. I drape it into large loops and hang it — I do NOT like lumps in my velvet that come when wrapped around a card — I am fanatical about that — so I always keep it loose and hang it — currently on an old pole lamp — LOL — got to work on that!!! I don’t like wrinkles or crinkles in any ribbon — if it’s wrinkled, I iron it — yes, I know — but I just can’t help it!!! LOL!!!

Oh, I still have so much organizing to do — but it’s a work in progress — never ending!!! It just feels so good with each little new accomplishment!

21 responses so far

21 Responses to “Storing Scrap Paper and More”

  1. joyk says:

    Love all your storage Sharon. I store my c/s the same as yours in hanging folders (my scraps in the front) I really do have to do something with my ribbon…….it looks like a color explosion LOL.

  2. Michelle R says:

    Great storage tips! I have the hardest time organizing my designer paper scraps.

    LOVE your ribbon storage. Did you find those at Michael’s in the ribbon section? I don’t think I’ve seen them before.


  3. Connie Watson says:

    Good morning Sharon,
    This seems like an EXCELLENT way to store paper to me!! Thanks for that helpful tip. Connie

  4. Jerri Jimenez says:

    The legal secretary is coming out in both of us Sharon. I store my 8 1/2 x 11 paper the same way, only I categorized them in families, then broke the colors down in alphabetical order. For the 12 x 12 I bought those wire cubes that college students use (very cheap). I keep the papers in the cellophane that they come in and place all the pieces back in the original packaging and stack them on top of each other. I have a cube for SU DP, a cube for Crate paper, a cube for Bo Bunny, a cube for chipboard, etc. Since most of my ribbon is SU, I have the SU ribbon storage system. I bought the one you have at Michael’s as well, but SU ribbons don’t fit in them, so I returned them.

  5. Angel W. says:

    That is so funny… I just posted my scrap organization today!

  6. Regina Davis says:

    I love your paper storage system…maybe because it’s so much like mine. I, too, tried once to keep my scraps all thrown together in a drawer on top of my table, but spent way too much time digging around in it and still not finding what I needed. I can’t wait to play around with your challenge this weekend. I’ve got enough scraps to make 576 cards (at least)!

    Take care – Regina

  7. Rose Ann says:

    Your storage solutions look awesome, Sharon! I so need to get better organized.

    Thanks for the congrats on my Flourishes win! I am so excited!

  8. Bev says:

    Great storage ideas for both the paper, scraps and ribbon. tfs

  9. Whoa!! Just color me Celery green please! I love the way the “lids” cover to create a slot on these .. yet you have easy access to the spool! I am so checking this out later … wishing I were going to be home this weekend to do so!


  10. Ooops … btw … I was chattering about the cool ribbon storage! And I totally “approve” of your C/S files storage AND the cool Iris cart for 12×12’s! (You would looking at the same things here! GMTA!) LOL Those Iris 12×12’s are perfect, IMHO!

  11. Pam B. says:

    Sharon—WOW—that was a quick response to a question by lil’ ol’ me!!! Thanks SO much for putting so much time and thought into answering my question, and for a peek into the stamp room of such a wonderfully talented person!! I think I may change over to this type of storage—I love the idea of having all of the scraps & CS together in one folder. Right now I have my full-sized CS and scraps stored separately. That’s not working for me anymore, though, as cleaning up means filing in two separate places. I also LOVE your 12×12 paper storage. I have seen these storage shelves & drawers before, but didn’t think that I would like them. Now that I’ve seen the way you use them and like them, you have helped change my mind. Now…on to create something with scraps so I can post a link for your latest challenge. Hugs!! Pam B.

  12. nancy littrell says:

    Thanks Sharon for sharing your organizing tips. I am going to Michael’s this week (a trip for me too) and will look for the ribbon holders. My drawer for ribbons is over flowing. I store my papers via color families in magazine holders. Works for me. I need to get a better system for my scraps. The bigger pieces go in the mag. holders with the same colors of 8 1/2″x 11″ pieces. My small pieces are all together in two containers, but harder and messier to get too. TFS your organizing. Nancy

  13. nancy littrell says:

    I read thru all your comments. The SU spools do not fit?!? How about the new smaller SU spools? Please let me know…[email protected] Thanks, Nancy

  14. marisa (whiterockmama) says:

    Well, having been an EA (Exec. Asst) for years, my storage system is very similar to yours. Unfortunately my ribbon storage system is a bit of a mess, but I don’t have any other place for it right now other than in drawers. Sometimes reminds for of the $1.29 bin of value ribbon at Mike’s but not as deep so I can find things in it much more quickly than gold digging in the bin at Mike’s.

    Thanks for your tips, and I love it that you are so particular about your ribbon — even the ironing 🙂 — as it definitely shows in your cards.

  15. Marie says:

    Sharon I too have those ribbon storage containers and LOVE them. I now have 12 stacked in groups of 3. I also use planters to store ribbon. I don’t know where all this ribbon comes from but I have a TON – and I USE my ribbon!!

    I Love your idea of storing scraps in hanging folders – I don’t have enough space in my file cabinet right now as I keep all my SU! paper in it. BUT I’m hoping to get another one soon and I’ll keep all my scraps and patterned paper in it. Right now I’m using small containers that just aren’t working for me. Glad to see the hanging folder idea!

    But tell me don’t the smaller pieces fall out the sides or do you seal the sides?

  16. Marie says:

    I should add that the Michaels ribbon holders do not hold the large SU! gg spools. BUT I did find a nice bright red planter that is big enough to hold them. What I did was I carried around a couple of spools of ribbon (2 sizes) in my purse and when I saw something that might work I tried it out until I found the right one.

  17. leslierich says:

    Great storage ideas, Sharon! I store my SU! cardstock in files like this, too, and throw the scraps in the same folders, same as you. I do keep them in color families, though. Love your 12×12 system. Gosh, a person just has to be organized when there’s so much stuff and not enough time to dig through it all and hunt for things.

  18. Tammy says:

    I do exactly the same thing with my SU! cardstock scraps! I’ve had 2 milk crates with hanging files in them for years, and I drop all my scraps in each labeled folder! My upline throws scraps away… HORRORS!!! One of these days I’m going to go empty her trash!

  19. jami says:

    Hey Sharon – I store my 8.5×11 almost the exact same way as you – only difference being that I take mine out of the cello pack because I always seem to rip the package when I open it – LOL! And for my scraps I have a page protector that goes in the front of each hanging file. The page protectors are labeled with sharpie and I can easily slip them in and out to see what size scraps I have available. I also organize my paper by colors (rainbow) rather than by family. See – great minds do think alike! 🙂

  20. Carolen says:

    Thanks for sharing your storage solutions. I’d invested in a fairly pricey paper storage solution but I find that paper gets damaged. Sometimes, simpler is better. Love the hanging folder idea!
    Think I will switch to that! Thanks!

  21. nancy littrell says:

    I just got 3 ribbon holders from Michael’s, while I was in Bend, Or. playing for 3 days with my gf’s 🙂 Thanks for the idea Sharon.

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