Apr 01 2008

Prism Paper Surprise

This will be an Oldies but Goodies post today — which I didnot plan on doing, but I have a little story to tell which involves this card, so here we go —

We all love surprises now, don’t we? Well, I got an email from a good SCS friend yesterday, congratulating me on my card on the first page of the current issue of CardMaker (May 2008). Well, that was certainly a surprise as I didn’t think I had submitted any cards to that magazine. So, the investigation begins — LOL!!! I still haven’t seen the magazine, only a scan of it, but yes, my card is definitely there, page 1 on the inside cover, as big as life, the only card on the page. Come to find out it is an ad for Prism Paper — gee, I felt totally honored!!! And they staged it all so nice — a great photo!!! That was a card I made about a year ago using all Prismatics Papers and SU’s Doodle This set. Prism actually had my card as I sent it to them, thanking them for their gorgeous line of paper. Little did I know it would surface a year later in a magazine ad! I am honored that they liked it enough to use it!!! THANK YOU PRISM!!! And the moral of this story — once you mail out a card, you NEVER know where it’s going to end up — LOL!!!!

Here’s my SCS upload of that card — which surely looks like a sorry photo compared to the one Prism took, but here it is:


All the details on this card can be seen on my SCS upload.

And just a brief word about the Prism paper — the paper I have is 12 x 12 Prismatics. It is smooth on one side and textured on the other — look closely at my photo above and you can see the texture (both in the card and in the paper used as a backdrop). I LOVE that texture — I’ve used it often and especially love it when doing 3-D items like purses, totes, bags, etc. I has such a nice leathery appearance when used in that fashion, especially with a little bit of sponging — it looks so leather-like — love it!!! I also really love their line of colors — especially the soft pastel shades they have — they are just so soft and luscious. I can ALWAYS find just the right shade in my Prismatics drawer. I also love the rich, deep browns they have — just some of my favorites — but they have just a ton of colors, so there is something to please everyone!!! Here’s the link to Prism Papers if you’d like to check them out yourself. Now I believe their site is a wholesale site and you may have to do a Google Search to find a retailer for the Prism Papers.

That’s it for now — I’m still struggling to keep my head above water in my stamp room cleaning project. The new counter/cabinet is installed, I got the painting done that I needed to — now just to deal with the mess — slow and steady, wins the race — or so they say — LOL!!! Thanks much for stopping in!!! Hope you all have a great week!!!

33 responses so far

33 Responses to “Prism Paper Surprise”

  1. Denise says:

    Oh my, it’s gorgeous! That is SO cool!!!

  2. Deena says:

    Wow! Sharon, I’m staring at YOUR CARD in Cardmaker magazine right now. I got it last week and I noticed this card and thought it was gorgeous! It made me think about buying Prism papers, because I don’t have any yet- the ad works! Your card is going to sell papers for sure! You are so talented!

  3. Sabrina aka okimom2girlz says:

    Wow, Sharon!!! Congratulations!!!!!! I bet it was a nice surprise for you?
    Show us some of your “Oldies but goodies” while you get situated in your stamp space. People like me 😉 have not seen your creations from early last year :). Take your time getting your space done, that way you can remember where you put things:).
    I constantly rearange my stamping cambinet and still can’t remember where I put stuff (I suppose that is age!?!?)
    Your card is gorgeous, those colors look so yummy together.

  4. Connie Watson says:

    WOW Sharon!! CONGRATULATIONS!! what a nice surprise for you.
    And I can now say that I know a celebrity!! Miss you all lots! Connie

  5. Viv (VivLyn) says:

    Congratulations!!! That is really neat!! I love Prism paper too but seldom grab it cause I hate using it, it’s so pretty! Wierd I know!! At least now I know my LSS carries it, so I will be more likely to cut it!

  6. Joan Fricker says:

    Congratulations Sharon! How exciting for you and such a nice surprise.
    The card is gorgeous, so it is no wonder it was selected to be in their magazine. Way to go!


  7. Patricia Austin says:

    I received my copy of Cardmaker yesterday and the inside cover grabbed my interest. You certainly were given the credit front and center for the design. I agree great honor, congratulations.

  8. Kathie says:

    I am PROUD of you once again Sharon, but not surprised!! It is a gorgeous card and will sell their paper for sure. PRISM PAPERS HIRE HER ON!! I have to remember your tip for this paper to make the purses. Thanks again for a great blog and take your time organizing and have fun at the same time!!

  9. Debra says:

    Very cool!!!! Congratulations!!!!

  10. Deb Wood says:

    Wow congratulations, it sure is beautiful and worthy of the cover!

  11. That would be such an awesome surprise! Congratulations. And it really is beautiful.

  12. Paula says:

    Gorgeous card! I think they should send you free paper!

  13. Julia (artystamper) says:

    I just saw your card yesterday when I got my Card Makers in the mail! I figured you designed for them or something! How funny that you didn’t know! They do credit you on the bottom of the page so that’s great exposure for you!!! and you’re right – once you send it off – it’s theirs!!

    congratulations though- WE all know who you are!!!

  14. Way to go Sharon – Congrats!

  15. sharon says:

    Oh Sharon, that’s quite a well-deserved honor, your card is AWESOME!!!

  16. What a beautiful card and such an exciting story! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! TFS and have a great day! 🙂

  17. Juanita says:

    WOW, WOW, WOW, what an awesome honor and you earned every bit of it because your card is a wonder. TFS.

  18. Dawn E. says:

    Oh my goodness Sharon! What a FANTASTIC surprise!! You are such a talented stamper and it’s no wonder your card made a cover piece!!! WTG! It’s gorgeous!

  19. ~amy~ says:

    WOW! Gorgeous card and congratulations!!! What a great job!

  20. Well hey girl, that is just so cool! I love it…the card, and the story! I have to say it was an incredibly nice gesture to sent a card off to them in the first place. Speaks volumes for your character…but we all knew that anyway. Congratulations!

  21. Barb S. says:

    Okay…now I HAVE to go out and hunt for this issue of Cardmaker!!! Congrats, Sharon!!! And like the others…it comes as no surprise that anyone would want to publish one of your cards and help promote or expose your talent!!! Way to go! Barb S.

  22. jeannen2 says:

    The card is gorgeous! You deserve to have it showcased! I’ll probably try to case it as best as I can since I truly love your style — I’m not saying that my cards turn out anything like yours, but if I was better, they’d look pretty similar! TFS! I love your work! Jeanne

  23. I love the colors and the textures on this; beautifully done!

  24. Dee says:

    How totally cool Sharon!

  25. Brenda says:

    Congratulations and what a wonderful honour isn’t it? Be proud and get that stampin’/hobby room all cleaned up so you can come back and create us wonderful stuff for us to oogle!

  26. Elizabeth says:

    I received my mag two days ago. I opened it and took a double take at the card because it really caught my eye. Then I looked to see who designed it and got a “spurt of excitement”. I was so happy for you when I saw your name and wondered how you felt about it. Little did I know until I read your blog update, you had no idea. Even more exciting! Way to go you talented lady you!!

  27. Dee says:

    Your Card is Gorgeous!!
    That has to be a very pleasant Surprise!
    Beautiful flowers!

  28. Hey Lady!! I was just coming to see if you had seen it yet! I got my copy of CM today. Huge congrats!! and well deserved 😉

  29. Rose Ann says:

    That is such an awesome story!! Congratulations! Your card is gorgeous!!

  30. Wow, congratulations on the pub, Sharon –it’s gorgeous!

  31. Debbie: DeborahLynneS says:

    What a cool surprise! Congratulations– it was so fun to see it in the magazine today– woo hoo!

  32. Anita says:

    That is SO funny that you did not know it was going to be published! I was so impressed when I opened my magazine (the second it arrived) and I thought WOW I *know* this person! Love your cards, blog and SCS posting – I’m a faithful watcher!!!

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