May 29 2008

New DT Soon to be Announced!!!

Published by at 11 36 pm under Announcements

This is an exciting time, but yet a sad time — as we usher in a new Design Team at Flourishes that means we must say goodbye to our current Design Team. They have served us well and we wish them all the best success in their future endeavors. They have become our friends and we will miss them — THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU — each and every one of you for all you have given of your time and talent. We all appreciate you more than you know!!!

Flourishes New Design Team will be announced on Sunday, June 1 — so please be sure to stop in and welcome them. We KNOW you will be excited, as are we!!!

Plus we have one more bit of exciting news — as an additional bonus this month, one new stamp set is also being released on June 1 — it’ll be a must-have for spring/summer!!!

Oh, and I almost forgot — does anyone out there like BLOG CANDY — really GREAT Blog Candy????? All I cansay about that right now is — stay tuned —

And the countdown begins —

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “New DT Soon to be Announced!!!”

  1. Laurie Helgason says:

    does anyone out there like BLOG CANDY

    Me, I do, I do.

    Laurie……………waving hand in air and jumping up and down.

  2. Lois (clownmom) says:

    What a silly question: Does anyone out there like BLOG CANDY? Well, I for one! And a bonus of a new set on June 1st. I had just made a mental note that all new Flourishes stamps would be released on the second Wednesday of the month, and you go and throw in a bonus! You sure are shaking things up over there at Flourishes!!!

  3. Carla says:

    I will miss your old team, they are super talented! However, there is SO much talent out there right now, I like that you don’t carry over, it gives some new girls a chance. I will be watching for a couple of rising stars to show up on your team, I know someone will snatch them up soon enough! I made you a sort of congrats card, would you share your addy, or would you rather I just sent it to the Flourishes addy, or one of the other gals. I’m pretty sure I have their addresses, I had to RAK them because they are so stinkin’ generous! I have to send them a thank you note after I buy something!!

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