Oct 31 2008

Request for Prayers and Cards

Published by at 7 09 am under Prayer Requests

I was contacted yesterday by Cheryl, a faithful reader of many of our stamping blogs and SCS galleries, and she had a request for prayers and cards for her good friend’s grandson, Andrew. He is 18 years old, joined the Air Force, and while therewas diagnosed with leukemia, and discharged. These areCheryl’s words:

“My friend’s grandson is only 18 years old and shortly after joining the Air Force, he was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and, subsequently, discharged from the Air Force. Because of the extraordinary costs of his treatment, the family is having a benefit dinner for him to help raise funds. They are taking prize donations and I thought it would be great to get together a huge basket of handmade cards to give as one of the prizes. I want to surprise my friend by including cards made by stampers that she has seen online. If you could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it. I would need to have the card in hand by November 8 (sorry for the short notice but I just found out about the benefit yesterday).”

You may also read more in the Sandusky Register.

Please pray for Andrew and his family, and if you have an extra card around and a spare minute, send it in for the prize basket. And it would be nice if you signed the back of the card and included an envelope so they can quickly put the basket together. This young man joined the military to serve and protect all of us, and sending a card in to be included in a prize basket is such a small thing we can all do in return. You may email Cheryl at [email protected]for her mailing address. And if you are able to help, remember, the time is NOW, as the date of this event approaches rapidly. Thank you!!!

And about Hope and Peyton, the preemie twin girls I mentioned a week or so ago, I got word that they are doing as well as can be expected. They each lost a couple ounces, but seem to be gaining it back and holding their own. Praise the Lord!!! Please continue in prayer for them as well. Thank you!!!

Today’s Stamp Simply Challenge is one post below.

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “Request for Prayers and Cards”

  1. OMG … 18 is so young to have to be dealing with such medical issues! I will email Cheryl for the address and get a card out right away! That family will certainly be in my prayers!!!
    Thanks too for the update on the twins … I was wondering how they were doing and was praying for good news! One day at a time I guess!!

  2. Thank you for sharing this, Sharon. I will keep him in my prayers!

  3. Jerri Kay says:

    I’ll get a card in the mail Sharon, please keep us posted on Andrew and the twins. Prayers are being sent!

  4. Karen says:

    Your friend should check with the local Veterans’ Hospital about getting medical care. Since he was in the service at the time of diagnosis seems like he should be eligible

  5. jorie says:

    Would like to send some cards right away. Would Cheryl be willing to give an address to send the cards on your blog – we would send to her but she wouldn’t get a ton of email requests for an address?

  6. Im moving tomorrow so all my cards and supplies are packed up, but i hope to get things organized quickly and will get a card sent out!
    my prayers are with them

  7. Carla says:

    Thanks for letting us know about Cheryl’s request, Sharon. I just got her address and will send some cards for the gift basket.
    I will keep Andrew and the twins in my prayers.

  8. Michelle R says:

    Thanks for that information, Sharon. I will definitely add them to my prayer list and get a card in the mail.

    Please add Laurie Schmidlin and her family to the list as well. They need our prayers and support.

    Thanks so much!

  9. Cheryl B. says:

    Thank you, Sharon, so much for posting this on your blog! Your post has generated 16 requests for my address so far. I can’t wait to see all the cards and present my friend with the card basket donation.

    Since Andrew was only in the Air Force for a few short days and his condition is considered to be pre-existing, he is not eligible for any kind of benefits related to the military.

  10. Curt OBrien says:

    Thanks Sharon for posting this. I’ve email her for her address so that I can get several cards out to her! Best, Curt

  11. Sharon I sent Cheryl an email for the address to send some cards too. I hope the benefit does wonderful. I will also pray for Ali. Thanks for the heads up.

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