Nov 29 2008

Glue Glider

Published by at 1 38 pm under Uncategorized

This is a short post about something new I got, and just wanted to share as you canget an unbelievable deal on this through Monday, Dec. 1. It’s a Glue Glider — a tape gun — here’s a pic:


I just got it a few days ago and have only used it on one card (my last for ssnotime63), but I love it so far!!! I opened the package and used it — NO learning curve — just press it to your paper, pull and a PERFECT row of tape. It is small, lightweight, easy to use, the refills snap in and out with no threading of tape — a little *dream machine*!!! I’m a happy camper.

I cannot, however, say I’ve used it forever as I just got it. But my friend, Jerri Kay, loves this little thing — and actually, Jerri was the impetus behind behind Joan carrying this product. Jerri’s used it for a while and talked about this great little glue gun. Then Joan started talking about this little glue gun she was so impressed with at CHA. Well, one conversation leads to another and wouldn’t you know it, they were talking about the SAME glue gun — so, of course, Joan HAD to order it, and now she is offering it to us!!!

You can read Jerri’s testimonial on the Glue Glider here, and you can read all the details about the 2 for 1 Sale that Joan has over at Joan’s Garden on this Glue Glider, right now!!! Check them both out. The sale is over Monday.

I also have some more stick pins from my friend Sabrina; however, I have encountered some technical difficulties – LOL — so I’ll get those up for you to see later today or maybe tomorrow — soon as I fix my problems!!! Thanks for checking in!!!

16 responses so far

16 Responses to “Glue Glider”

  1. Deb Saaranen says:

    I’ve been tempted to check one of these out– just placed my order with Joan!

  2. Nancy says:

    I had been looking for one but couldn’t remember the name until I saw it on Jerri’s blog…went right to Joan and ordered one! 🙂

  3. LadyDoc says:

    I already place an order with Joan- this thing looks TERRIFIC!

  4. Shauna says:

    i got this a few weeks ago at HL and just love it !

  5. Doris says:

    I’ve already ordered mine!

  6. Rae says:


    I would love to try the glue glider, but have been unable to leave a message for Joan–any suggestions? Thanks!

  7. Lois (clownmom) says:

    Thanks for the tip, Sharon. I have visited Joan’s blog occasionally. The only problem I see is that it seems that the only way to order from Joan is via e-mail — not a secured website. I don’t like putting a credit card number in an e-mail.

  8. Kittie says:

    Sharon, I don’t know if I am just a poor looker but I couldn’t find how many yards of adhesive comes in the refills. Could you please tell me if it is stated on the package?

  9. Julie S says:

    Looks like the package says 40 FEET on it for the machine AND the refill.

  10. Sabrina aka okimom2girlz says:

    I’ve ordered mine last night as well, thanks for the enabler Sharon :D:D:D.
    Gotta love a good deal. Hope Joan gets them in fast so I can try this baby out ;).

  11. Jarie says:

    That’s for the review on this new tape gun. I saw it at Hobby Lobby and also wondered how useful it was. I might have to find myself a coupon.



  12. Tammy says:

    thanks for bring this product to light! I ordered one and just got it. I love it!!
    lightweight, easy to use and easy to re-fill!

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